
  • 28/04/2017

    Galvanic Corrosion

    Pode haver corrosão galvanica em placas de desgaste  inoxidaveis, de laminadores de tiras a quente? Fabio Muccin preparou uma breve resumo sobre o fenomeno onde se mostra que placas de aço inoxidavel ...

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  • 07/10/2016

    Projeto de rodas para pontes rolantes - apresentado por Leroy Stebbing

    Este artigo fornece um relato em primeira mão sobre as dificuldades encontradas pelo uso de rodas cônicas em pontes rolantes ea teoria inconsistente por trás de seu uso....

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  • 03/12/2012

    (Inglês) Performances Evaluation of High Speed Steels for Hot Rolling by Wear and Thermal Fatigue Tests

    In the last years a great number of hot strip mills performed trials with High Speed Steel (HSS) rolls for both rougher and finishing stands. Rolls used in the former stands are subjected to higher te...

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  • 03/12/2012


    In recent years several tests have been performed with centrifugally cast bimetallic rolls as work rolls in cold rolling. This paper outlines the exciting results from cast rolls made in a special typ...

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  • 05/11/2012

    (Inglês) The work roll surface damaging study: A key factor in using HSS alloys in hot rolling

    The manufacturing of rolls for hot rolling through the using of anti wear alloys has progressively focused the attention on the surface degradation of the roll key factor the definition of the duratio...

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  • 19/10/2011

    (Inglês) Work rolls behaviour in the roughing stands at south american hot strip mills

    The work roll in chromium steel is the typical type of roll for the roughing stands of a hot strip mill...

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  • 20/09/2011

    (Inglês) Roda dura gasta trilho mole?

    Testing of Material Wear Properties...

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  • 05/07/2011

    (Inglês) Transmissão Mecânica para Laminadores

    Comparing Universal Joints to Gear Couplings...

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